Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cell Phones
Tweeting for Touchdowns
For those of us that are sports fans, we won't settle for anything less than scores, stats, and seemingly meaningful tidbits that are readily available mere seconds after they happen in real life. After all, our buddy down the hall is kicking our butts in fantasy football that week. Which means that history paper is going to have to wait - Aaron Rodger's third-down conversion percentage during home night games in the fourth quarter when trailing by less than five points is a much more pressing matter. And we need to know this figure NOW.
Of course, as our parents often remind us, one used to be at the mercy of the local newspaper, which didn't print scores and stats until the next morning (this was also a time when fantasy sports was not yet an ego-driven battle of male superiority). Upon reading the paper's analysis, your understanding of the event would be shaped by a thorough, journalistic account on the finer points of athletic skill. Although these quality stories are still available the next day, social networking sites have all but eliminated the necessity of such printed reports. What was once a night's wait for a professional and analytical approach to sports has been reduced to a "ZOMG!! TD PACKERS!!!1!!!1" Twitter update in half a second (and I've been guilty of Facebook status outbreaks similar to the latter).
In swallowing Twitter updates like candy, we sacrifice quality for immediate gratification. Tomorrow's game coverage can wait - consumers demand tidbits that they can collect while on-the-go and use to trash-talk the Bears fan down the hall, all with the click of a button.
Some might say, backed by the evidence of dwindling newspaper revenue on a national scale, that journalistic decency is lost among the madness that is social networking. For now, critics have a valid argument; that we are so spoiled by a functional "refresh" button that a certain human element is lost.
However, there is no doubt that journalists will continue to take advantage of the speed and accessibility of such social outlets and use them for the better. In an age of rapid digital communication, journalists must adapt to an environment in which information is expected at a mile-a-minute.
Especially from a community of frantic sports fans.
Cassie's Blog.
In the past several years, social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter have become increasingly popular websites. Featuring updates on things such as friends and celebrities, local and worldwide news, and new ways of advertising, these sites have created a whole new way to communicate information. We can now send information more quickly, efficiently, and less costly. With this newer technology, people can communicate with people that they normally would not be able to. It has made the world seem like a much smaller place than it seemed years ago.
Additionally, this quick way of sharing information has caused the media to become less personal and more dangerous. The amount of information sent is limitless, as is the restrictions of what you can send online. These social networking sites have made it easier to get information, but harder to get truly reliable material.
Technology is never going to stop advancing in the media. It will possibly put most of the journalism career paths online or via cellular phones. It will push past prerecorded stories, and enter into all live action causing journalists to push themselves to tell stories in more entertaining ways.
Brynden's Blog
New technologies have advanced journalism further than ever. While it has been argued that social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, can lead to a loss of ethics and journalism integrity, the advantages that can be gained from the use of such sites are endless.
Flux Chaor
Robert P's Technology Post
Last december I bought my iPhone and with every passing day I continue to be amazed at every thing that little device can accomplish with just a swish of my finger. Weather it be checking stock quotes, the weather, playing madden, listening music or writing this blog post; the possibilities are endless. The iPhone connects people to a constant stream of ever changing news and information from their pocket. The future of media and news is with the iPhone. Over the next few years people will be getting their exclusively through there iPhone or similar smart phone device. People will want there news and the’ll want it the second it becomes available
Julia's Technology Blog
The world is swiftly growing smaller because of technologies such as the Internet, cell phones, and social networking sites. People are able to remain easily in contact from halfway across the world, or hear breaking news in a matter of minutes. Cell phones, blogs, and social networking sites, have invented a new supplement to traditional journalism- citizen journalism. In the past it was difficult and expensive to publish news. Now, with a media device and an Internet connection anybody can publish news at any time, therefore providing more updated news. With citizen journalism however, comes the concern in the validity of the source and the information given. Nonetheless, citizen journalism is absolutely finding its way into the future of journalism and has already made a huge impact on the world during the Iranian crisis when, due to government censorship, the manner in which the international community was informed of events was through texts, tweets, and cell phone pictures and videos sent out. The challenge now and in the future will be to distinguish fact from fiction and maintain strong traditional journalism through the citizen journalism.
Spencer's Technology Blog
Colleen's Take on Technology
Christina T's Technology Post
Technology has become a very large part of each of our daily lives. From cell phones to social networking sites to the Internet, very few of us can go through a day without interacting with some part of technology. Our generation is becoming more and more attached to our cell phones. I know I feel something missing if I leave the room without mine. Our phones are also growing increasingly more capable of connecting us with the rest of the world. The apple iPhone and Blackberries are basically a mini-computer in your hand. Being able to view full Internet sites gives us access to an unlimited amount of information at the touch of a button. This technology can be a huge advantage to journalists. We can essentially turn cell phones into electronic newspapers and magazines. The possibilities are endless when talking about new technologies.
Bridget's J. Technology Post
Social networking sites have slowly worked their way into the journalistic culture. What I want from them is simple. Merely, use the networking sites to get the information to the people who otherwise wouldn’t see what is going on in the world. The sites are so accessible that most, if not all, average people are linked into them. When the traditional media does not have the footage or the live feed, normal citizens can easily share what they have through their own sites. This is where it gets tricky. Journalism seems to be less reliable when it is controlled totally by the general population. If people start to rely exclusively on things like twitter, credibility can be lost. It is a lot easier for mistakes in the news to be made, and for false information to be displayed. That false information is then often brought back into the more legitimate news, like in newspapers and on television. What I think is best about the networking sites are their speed and access. For example, twitter can reach millions – but because it is so user-based, it is often inaccurate. No matter what happens, social networking sites are going to be huge journalistic environments in the future. They are already growing; their capabilities will grow as well. It is unfair to completely cut them out of the journalistic market, but we still need to be careful to supply news through traditional means.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Brittany's Technology Blog
Twitter, no longer just a social network site for technology savvy, teenage gossipers, has taken hold of the traditional media and has become a story worth talking about within itself. Proving its potential power during the aftermath of the Iranian elections, Twitter may very well be the next major media platform alongside Facebook, Youtube, and many other Internet sites.
Twitter is a convenient and efficient way to communicate, especially if you’re on a journalist’s schedule. With a limit of 140 characters, journalists can tweet headlines and breaking pieces of news that are short, sweet, and to the point. Twitter also gives media companies the opportunity to get their news out faster than their competition and connect with the audience in a completely new way. A journalist does not have to have the whole story to tweet. One simple and confirmed fact will do until the rest of the story can be validated.
Twitter is an ideal media platform for journalists until the human factor is added into the mix. Journalism ethics and Twitter are currently a hot topic in the media world. One would think that the ethics applied to other sequences of media would apply to this new form of socialized media, however it is not just as simple as that. Twitter is not as controllable as newspapers, magazines, and news programs that have editing processes that are closely monitored. Journalists that tweet have too much freedom to mix personal opinion with professional opinion. The ideal journalist is one that reports in an unbiased fashion. The journalist represents their employer, so when a journalist tweets information they are tweeting with their company’s reputation in their hands. Journalists should be careful to tweet strictly as a professional and not give into the temptation to tweet personal opinions and grievances.
Twitter seems to have already started paving its way towards the future of journalism. While many companies are weary of letting their journalist jump into this “unknown” media platform, Twitter has the potential to connect the traditional media to the world in ways it could not before.
Lauren's Awesome First Blog
Cell phones have developed greatly over the past century. They have become smaller in size and are now furnished with incredibly striking new features. Today’s phones are equipped with touch screen capabilities, the ability to search the Internet, check e-mails, messaging, and have immense data storage. Recently, journalists have used cell phones to become more secure with their readers. Journalists repeatedly ask their readers to share information and updates through their mobile devices. I believe cell phones have potential in becoming one of journalism’s greatest assets, in that, they are capable of providing for anyone. They are so diverse and compatible with their many different styles, sizes, and have features for anyone’s enjoyment. Unfortunately, they are uncensored and journalists must be extremely aware of whom they are receiving information from and if the information is correct. Cell phones have wide-range possibilities and can potentially take the place of many of our unaccommodating information-sharing technologies.