Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ethics: Teens and Ecstasy

I would not hesitate to publish the story containing the whereabouts of the locations where ecstasy and drugs were sold to students in the school. Although the article would not reflect well upon the school itself, it is too important for the public to know the details. The more the public is aware of, the easier it will be to terminate the problem. For instance, now the people who live near the drug hot-spot will be more careful because of this new awareness, and will probably call the police more often when suspicious activity occurs. Also, parents will know to keep their children away from these areas and perhaps have a conversation with their teens about drugs that they may not have prior to this article.

As far as teens being encouraged to buy drugs because the locations are printed, i do not believe that is the outcome. I went to a very small high school but i can only image that regardless of the size, even student who do not do drugs know about where they could get them if they wanted to. Also, any drug dealer in their right mind would change their location after the publishing of this article, so i really don't understand how it would become a large problem.

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